If you are like me then you live each day being the very best you can. You smile at strangers, say thank you for small things, and send out positive vibes. You live each day and trust that the universe has a plan for you, a path to follow, and that everything happens for a reason.
Somedays you wake up just like any other, you go about your day, and then it happens, the universe hits you with a ton of bricks right in the face. It is during these tough moments, these life altering events, that you begin to wonder; what the f**** universe.
I recently had an event that did just that, it made me question my trust in my path. The first emotion that happens is shock, then confusion, then an overwhelming sadness. Once the tears fall, the sobs begin to quiet and you wipe the snot from your face that is when anger hits. Anger over takes you and you want to yell and scream, you want to shout, and tell the universe to eff off. (at least thats what I feel like doing) I had so much trust and faith that I had been following my path, doing everything I could to make myself and those around me happy. Anger moves into you and makes you think, why me? Why would something bad happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? But thats just it, I didn't do anything. There is no isolated event, or wrongdoing that I am being punished for. Sometimes it is as simple as this, bad things happen to good people. The little boy fighting for his life hasn't done anything to deserve that, the mom that comes home with her new born baby to find her house vandalized and robbed didn't do anything to deserve that. Sometimes bad things just happen.
After I let all of my emotions have their turn (it is important to let yourself feel) I decided I was going to take this unfortunate event and find the silver lining. When you are faced with tough things in life, you have two choices... you can either let it knock you down and keep you down or you can stand back up, brush yourself off, and be that much stronger. I have chosen the latter, I am going to come back even stronger.
For all of you out there who are questioning the universe and why certain speed bumps come into your life, remember this... everything does happen for a reason, there is a lesson somewhere, and it takes courage and strength to find it. You have that strength.
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